Agenda - Planning
Goodworth Clatford
Goodworth Clatford Parish Council
Notice of Planning Committee Meeting
The Parish Council Planning Committee will hold a meeting as follows:
on Wednesday 11th December at 7.00 pm in the meeting room at Village Club
1. Apologies
2. Public Participation
3. Declaration of Interests
4. Approval of minutes dated 25th November 2024
5. Planning - Notice of Application – Town & Country Act 1990
5.1 24/02706/FULLN Single Storey Side Extension and Replace Window and Door
Holly House Church Lane Goodworth Clatford
5.24/02737/FULLN Alterations to convert store/log within garage to home office/studio/crafts room. The Rowans Longstock Road, Goodworth Clatford Andover
6. Results of previous planning applications
7. Potential Infringements
8. Date of next meeting 16th December (if required)
Contact Information
Eveline Attwood
Find Goodworth Clatford
Goodworth Clatford, Andover, Hampshire